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Fellapozódó gyorskapu
Komby gyorskapu


Az ipari gyorskapukat az alábbi tulajdonságokkal mindenféle környezetbe ajánljuk.

- Jó hőszigetelés

- Önjavítás

- Gyors reakcióidő

- Biztonságos működés

- Igényes kivitel

- Halk működés

A Pack nagy sebességű felhajtható kapuk a régi, nehéz ajtók technikai fejlődésével alakultak ki, amelyek nagy terek bezárására készültek. Ezek mára elavultak, és nem felelnek meg a mai ipari igényeknek.


A Pack kapuk biztonságosak és gyorsak, ellenállnak az erős szélnek, és biztosítják a biztonságos nyitást és zárást a nagy terekben. Ezek egy PVC -vel bevont acélrúdból készült keretből állnak, amelyek ellenállnak a nagyon erős szélnek (akár 150 km/h a Pack ajtóknál, és még erősebb szél a MegaPack ajtóknál). Az ajtó alsó széléhez rögzített ellenálló biztonsági él és korlátai rendkívül rugalmassá teszik ezt a terméket, ami ideális a gyakori és biztonságos nyitási és zárási műveletekhez.


Három fő fajtát ajánlunk, felhasználási területtől függően.

Pack®  Special

Pack® Special

The Pack® high-speed folding door is an ideal solution for all those indoor and outdoor environments where fast and continuous transit must be provided combined with a large structural impediment when the door is closed. The Pack® rapid folding door adapts to all product sectors by dividing it into several models. Designed for heavy use, it is suitable for any type of industrial application. The door is wind resistant up to 160 km/h, thanks to a self-supporting perimeter structure in galvanized steel and a PVC curtain reinforced with horizontal steel bars. The curtain is lifted by sturdy straps and packed at the top. The patented system of conical guides gives the Pack® a good watertight seal and a better performance in case of strong wind. In the range of special fabric closures, we are able to develop large-sized custom-made doors for both ground compartments and overhead crane closures. Optimal for both internal and external applications, even for large dimensions, designed to last in the long term. The Pack® is the ideal solution in conditions of strong wind or depressions. All of our packable closures comply with the 13241/CE regulation. ► Applications Self-repairing roll-up door with hinged sliding system ideal for: • Industry • GDO - Large distribution • Storage warehouses • Productive workshops • Chemistry • Automotive • Car Wash • Food - - - ► Follow BMP on Social Media: Facebook: Linkedin: - - - ► Website: #pack #rapidDoor High Speed Doors


The Pack® high-speed folding door is an ideal solution for all those indoor and outdoor environments where fast and continuous transit must be provided combined with a large structural impediment when the door is closed. The Pack® rapid folding door adapts to all product sectors by dividing it into several models. Designed for heavy use, it is suitable for any type of industrial application. The door is wind resistant up to 160 km/h, thanks to a self-supporting perimeter structure in galvanized steel and a PVC curtain reinforced with horizontal steel bars. The curtain is lifted by sturdy straps and packed at the top. The patented system of conical guides gives the Pack® a good watertight seal and a better performance in case of strong wind. In the range of special fabric closures, we are able to develop large-sized custom-made doors for both ground compartments and overhead crane closures. Optimal for both internal and external applications, even for large dimensions, designed to last in the long term. The Pack® is the ideal solution in conditions of strong wind or depressions. All of our packable closures comply with the 13241/CE regulation. ► Applications Self-repairing roll-up door with hinged sliding system ideal for: • Composting sector • Airports • Industry • Heavy industry • Passage of overhead cranes • Chemist • Naval ports • Agriculture - - - ► Follow BMP on Social Media: Facebook: Linkedin: - - - ► Website: #dynamicroll #dynamicrollAIR #selfrepairing #magicdoor High Speed Doors